View Tag: ‘Song’

Volume 8

Spotlight on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Canadian University Audiology Programs

Within our society, universities play an important role in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. While progress has been made over the past few decades, Universities Canada recognizes that more can and must be done to truly achieve inclusive excellence.

Volume 7

Ten Ways to Improve Hearing Access During Your Next Virtual Meeting

Understanding potential listening barriers and identifying how to effectively maximize communication is the key to holding a successful virtual meeting.

Volume 6

Issues in Accessibility – Current Accessibility Strategies in Audiology Practice: A Review of the 2019 CAA Accessibility Survey Results

Accessibility is about creating communities, workplaces, and services that enable everyone to participate fully in society without barriers – this includes audiology clinics. With the adoption of Provincial accessibility legislation (Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario) and the federal Accessible Canada Act, there is now greater support to create accessible environments in Canada. This takes the onus…

Seven Steps for Creating an Accessibility Project to Reduce Barriers for People who are Hard of Hearing in the Community

With the passing of Bill C-81:  The Accessible Canada Act., this article hopes to outline seven steps to help create an accessibility project in your community.

Volume 0

Striking the Right Balance: Current Fall Prevention Strategies in Audiology Practice: A Review of the 2017 CAA Fall Prevention Survey Results

In this edition of “Striking the Right Balance,” Jillian Baxter, Lauren Dunphy, and Dana Song, audiology students at the School of Human Communication Disorders at Dalhousie University along with audiologists Michael Vekasi and Janine Verge discuss current fall prevention strategies in audiology practice and review the CAA National Vestibular Special Interest Group’s fall prevention survey results.