

The Times They are A Changing

Barbara Weinstein comments on the retracted academic paper appearing in the Lancet Public Health titled: “Retraction of a Publication Error Reporting That Hearing Aid Use Modified Dementia Risk.

To the Brain and Back: An Introduction

“To the Brain and Back” is a new regular series of articles in Canadian Audiologist that shares the neuroscience of hearing and communication with the audiology community. This is the third edition of a series originally known as “Grand Central Station” by Kelly Tremblay and then “Mysteries of the Hearing Brain” by Samira Anderson.

Lions Clubs International

In 1996 CLERC (Canadian Eyeglass Recycling Centre) in Calgary, Alberta opened. With Lions Clubs throughout Canada collecting and shipping eyeglasses and components to them for repair, refurbishing, etc. CLERC has now provided over 6 million pairs of eyeglasses to individuals worldwide who would otherwise not have been able to afford them. In 2011 CLERC extended its’ mandate to include repair, refurbishment, and recalibration of hearing aids as well.


What’s New About Getting Older?

Connections between hearing and nutrition that might be important in integrated inter-professional primary care for older adults may involve malnutrition, obesity, dietary patterns, and diabetes. The connection between hearing and diabetes is also relevant to vision as a key capacity. These connections allow hearing care to play a role in integrated care to promote healthy aging.

The Way I Hear It

We’re well into a new year now, but it’s not too late to make resolutions, specifically goals for better hearing and communication. People with hearing loss have the power to reshape the flow of our daily communication lives.

Quick Answers

If fluid vibration in the inner ear is afferently transduced by the inner hair cells, and at some point efferent energy is received by the outer hair cells … and then with an altered fluid mechanical vibration, the signal is AGAIN TRANSDUCED afferently via the inner hair cells… how many of these feedback loops are possible before “running out of energy” and is the phrase “running out of energy” an appropriate metaphor for this?…and if not, why not?

CAA News

CAA News: March 2024
1. Webinars
2. Member Renewal and Benefits
3. Article on CAA Member Benefits by CAA President Dr. Michael Vekasi

Industry News

Industry News: March 2024
1. WSAudiology Leadership Update
2. 2024 Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Pioneer Award in Basic Science
Editorial Committee