Currently viewing Vol. 5 • Issue 6 • 2018

Focus on Research at Western University

An Interview With Dr. Susan Scollie



Focus on Research at Western University

This issue looks at what’s happening at the National Centre for Audiology (NCA) at Western University starting with an interview with new director, Dr Susan Scollie.

Putting Direct-to-Consumer Hearing Devices Through Verification Paces

Parsa, et al explore the increase in direct-to-consumer PSAPs, OTC hearing aids, and hearables and why it is important to raise consumer awareness on what entails in wearing such devices, and the role of hearing health care professionals in ensuring benefit from amplification even from direct-to-consumer models.

Two Different Ways Familiar Voice Information Can Be Used

Johnsrude and colleagues suggest if we can work out how people become familiar with a voice, we should be able to efficiently familiarize people with voices, and this might be useful for improving our ability to communicate in everyday situations.

Are Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Good for Audiology in Canada?

Armstrong, Aiken, and Bagatto take a look at what audiologists in Canada know about OTC hearing aids and what are their thoughts on their potential impact on audiology in Canada.

An Interview with Dave Preves, PhD

Dave Preves sat down with Canadian Audiologist for an interesting look back at some of the amazing innovations he’s been a part of over his career.


Back to Basics

Marshall looks at the pros and cons of the multitude of apps that can turn smartphones into sound-level meters, recording devices, playback devices, and to be coupled with external devices for hearing aids.

From the Labs to the Clinics

After recently attending 3 conferences in a short period of time, Robert Harrison explores the question of how to speed up audiology knowledge translation.

Stories from Our Past

In this issue’s installment, Wayne Staab takes a two-part look at the evolution of the hearing aid battery.

Audiology in the Classrooms

Pam Millet looks at whether streaming technologies can replace personal “FM” systems in the classroom.

The Way I Hear It

Gael Hannan tells us about here recent trip to Scandinavia, her speech at GN Resound, and her experiences with accessibility along the way.
Editorial Committee